Indie book publisher, Sydney

We're a Sydney based publisher named Germinal Press.
We welcome submissions from writers with with strong voices - who speak with passion and authority, and who see the world in a different and more illuminating light. If you've been searching for an indie book publisher that dares to be different, we'd like to hear from you.
Germinal Press is an independent book publisher with a non-traditional approach to publishing. We're committed to producing a constant supply of highly entertaining, irreverent and risque titles. If you're seeking an indie publisher that will will accept titles that are takes on sports, business, music, online dating, pop culture, romance, sci-fi, horror, fitness, memoirs and you have something to say that might challenge and entertain readers, we'd like to hear from you.
Please send a short synopsis (two pages max) outlining your intentions/aspirations with your contact details to: [email protected]
Submissions should be in Word or PDF format. We'll endeavour to respond to all unsolicited submissions as soon as we can. And if we like what we see, we'll ask you to provide a full story breakdown, a read of the finished manuscript, or get you to explain in greater detail how your idea or concept might become reality. In other words, we'll take you under our wing.
Indie publishing is what we do. If you'd like a taste of some already published titles, check out Our Books Page and our list of eBooks.