A series of diverse titles, and the first books produced by Germinal Press
Our Books

Rugby World Cup 2015
Opinionated, fact-filled and thoroughly irreverent, Rugby World Cup 2015 is the must-read guide to 2015’s monumental rugby tournament.
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How To Be The Perfect Dad
How To Be The Perfect Dad And Not F**k Things Up is the ultimate handbook to pregnancy, birth and your child's early years. Just for guys...
Book Details...$15.99

Mixed Martial Arts
Chock full of stats and insider knowledge on the world's fastest growing sporting competition, Mixed Martial Arts is a no-holds barred book that pulls no punches.
Book Details...$15.99

Rugby World Cup 2011
In this sharp and insightful book, author Stephen Townshend provides an entertaining and tongue-in-cheek lowdown on one of the world's top sporting events.
Book Details...$15.99
The Last Word
The Last Word is a series of diverse titles, and the first books to be produced by Germinal Press.
The name The Last Word was chosen after friends of Stephen Townshend accused him of always having the "last word" in an argument. Rather grandly, we also believe the books should be a reader's first memorable introduction to a particular topic.
"a mix of accessible information, irreverence and enthusiasm on emerging global trends..."
The Last Word, then, is a series of affordable, non-fiction books - ones that serve up a mix of accessible information, irreverence and enthusiasm on emerging global trends and interest areas. We like to think of The Last Word as the cheap, cheerful and opinionated literary equivalent of "Happy Hour" at the pub, or the writerly version of an (non-crazed) orator who gets up on a soapbox to deliver a point of view.
Our first title, Rugby World Cup 2011 is all about one of the world's top sporting events, which took place in New Zealand in September and October 2011. Hard on the heels of this book is Mixed Martial Arts, followed by How To Be The Perfect Dad And Not F**k Things Up, our third title in the Last Word series.
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