A series of diverse titles, and the first e-books produced by Germinal Press
Our E-Books

Lick the Razor
Our first foray into the world of dark fiction, or "splatterpunk", is a collection of 15 short stories by US writer DB Tarpley.
Book Details...$4.99

The title, taken from New Zealand playwright Greg McGee’s 1981 work Foreskin’s Lament, mixes striking portraits of players with poetry, biography, anecdotes and history.
Book Details...$4.99
Obout Our E-Books
Talk of the eBook revolution and how it's changing the complexion of the publishing industry is old hat (acknowledging there will always be a place for paper-based books).
It's become a truism, however, based on the simple proposition that kids - who read an awful lot, mostly on Kindles and iPads - will lead the charge towards digital publishing.
Because of this, you'll see more and more titles crossing genres from Germinal Press being produced as eBooks. They're cheaper too, and avoid the wretched route of traditional distribution, which in our opinion is often the most dispiriting part of the publishing experience.
Our first two eBooks - Lick the Razor and Whaddarya? - couldn't be more disparate in theme, content and design. And that's exactly the way we like it.
We're nothing if not eclectic.
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Germinal are always on the hunt for new and interesting publishing concepts.
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